Thursday, May 14, 2009


I have some knick-knacks that I left here and haven't seen in almost 3 years. It's like meeting old friends again.
I like cottages or house pottery. This TeaPot is Made in England by Price Brothers. I had 3 of them at one time. I just love them.

I'll be taking pictures of my other pottery and plaques that I have collected.
I used to have a lot of paintings too but I had to get rid of them. I forgot what I saved and what I got rid of so it was a surprise when I went through the tote and saw somethings I thought were gone. But I also saw somethings and thought, "Why the heck did I save that thing".

I guess because of the bad economy I've seen these teapots going for less then $10 on eBay. Thats what I paid for it, but they were going for $15-$25. So that's a big drop.
It looks like we might get some rain, we can use it.

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